Legacy Life 4U

Team GPS


FACTS Tell but STORY'S Sell!


The most IMPORTANT Skill to Learn and Master is Telling Stories.  Master this skill and it can make you SUPER SUCCESSFUL!


Purpose of Story telling to your Prospects is to engage, persuade and move your prospects into Action.


People make decisions based on Emotion, telling a story will get them to act quicker.


Story's activate mirror neurons which creates a re-association!


One skill that will elevate your confidence & escalate your results beyond measure... Is perfecting the art of knowing & rehearsing what to say when someone asks “What do you do?.......”


Having this answer prepared and practiced (yes I said practiced) beforehand will allow you to share both your excitement and the information in a productive way. This format will make sure you don’t overwhelm the person, but also not miss an opportunity to tell them about what it is you’re passionate about.


Remember, these scripts are guidelines. Don’t hesitate to change the words to make them sound more like you. Perfect for when you’re meeting someone new, at the beginning of a presentation or on a 3-way call etc.


Create your Story (1 min only) practice and share it over and over and over again.




1. Your background (2 sentences max.)


“I used to be a “I work in


"I work as a ....


2. What you didn't like about it




and I absolutely loved it.”


and I absolutely love what I do.”


The hours are crazy


I have to work weekends


I don’t get paid overtime


I am away from home a lot


I have reached a glass ceiling


I don’t have job security


After I became a mum I realised....


3. Then I FOUND A WAY  (Solution) to ...


Earn a Part-time income from home


Earn a Full-time income without putting the kids in daycare


Earn an income Online .....


To Travel and Work at the Same time


To Earn an Income while travelling with my Family


4. How you feel about the future


I am so excited about.....


The future




Opportunities for my family Quitting my job


Moving into our own home




I currently (what you do) _______________________________________________________________________________________________


But (pain points) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


I found a way to (Solution) ______________________________________________________________________________________________


And now I'm just excitied about (your future goals) ___________________________________________________________________


PRO TIP: Don't RETELL a stroy, RELIVE it when you present it by attaching the Emotion!